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 Are you "in the Zone"?

 Listen to the voices of the YardeZONE...

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"Nothing better than going to work every morning knowing the company you work for cares about you and your family (including Pets). "

Scott (Inside Sales)


"People are treated fairly and with respect at Yarde. They treat me the same as everyone else. People know your name. You are not a number. That's important to me and everyone at Yarde"

Ron (Sheet Department)


"There is such satisfaction in working for a company whose owners and managers encourage you to share your ideas. They make you feel part of the decision making process. This helps to keep people motivated, thinking and contributing to the success of the company"

Susan (Communications)


"This company is run on a level playing field. Everyone is treated the same - with respect. No amount of money is worth more than respect. When you treat people with respect, you build a multi-million dollar company.

We're given the freedom to do our jobs. The best way to get a job done is to listen to the person who does the job. Involve them in the process. They are part of the solution and don't want to let you down"

Mike (Plate Department)